
Any Questions?

The Internationales-Unit is at your disposal:

Studying abroad

In General

Information about studying abroad is accumulated here. Whenever students needed more necessary information for preparing for a semester abroad in the past, we welcomed them to publish their experience here for future generations.

The most common way to study abroad is via the Erasmus Program. (More information is available on this site.)However, contacting the affiliated department and organizing an exchange year yourself is possiblewithout being bound by the other collaborating university. Many work groups have contacts abroad and offer studying opportunities abroad for (future) graduates and postgraduates. That is why all places with an established contact are listed here.

Please send reports, comments, and suggestions to the Webmasteror email GEHÖRT HIER NICHT HIN UND SOLLTE ENTFERNT WERDEN UND RÜCKWÄRTS IST DAS ANDERE AUCH NOCHselanoitanretni.


Preparing for a semester abroad should be done well ahead of time (roughly a year in advance). Information about collaborating universities can be acquired by talking to the faculty's Erasmus coordinators, Mr. Anglin or Mrs. Frey. They may also help you with filling out the necessary paperwork (including online). Both the unit for international affairs of the faculty-student council and the contacts listed below are open to answering any more questions you might have.

Note: all documents are in German

Experience reports (historic)

Reports from recent years


Great Britain



  • Kopenhagen (Judith Hohmann)
  • Kopenhagen (Maria Loidolt)

Spain - Granada

Spain - Santiago de Compostela

Spain- Barcelona


